Friday, July 28, 2006

Short (maybe not...) and simple.

I have friends, and they suck.

One just became a dad two weeks ago, he sucks....
Another sports this ewok-ish look, so he sucks....
And the biggest sucker of all, a long-haired, fish-intolerant, sarawakian....

All of them have in some way contributed to my curiousity towards this blogging phenom.
Anyway, I'm the sucker now who is typing away at 3am, in total silence and semi-darkness.
So, let's see what this is all about. What's my motivation for this? What is it for the thousand others with blogs or whatever the term is. Surely it's not some random keyboard mashing by monkeys hoping to recreate the works of Shakespeare.... or is it? Why am I checking my spelling like this is some term paper for an ESL course? Why?

There's always a first time...

Last words: May Allah protect me from 10 year old jokes and vandettas, or even worse, insurance and MLM related inquiries......


Anonymous said...

Woo hee yooo...
At least I am not part of any MLM group...
By the way, the 10 years old joke will never die. It will be 15 years old joke soon...

Anonymous said...

15 years and counting
soon.... bwahaha

ewok honggah mu, c3po